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Part of Our Mission is bringing awareness about potential risks to the clients, simply because when you know the facts, you can make better decisions.

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Cancer Lifetime Risk

You can read on that 1 in 2 UK people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Cancer Statistics

Top 5 causes
of premature death by NHS

1. Cancer 2. Heart Disease 3. Stroke 4. Lung Disease 5. Liver Disease

In the article written by NHS you can find important information how to reduce the risk.

Read More

Health and safety statistics

Key figures for Great Britain (2021/22)
1.8 million

working people suffering from a work-related illness


workers suffering work-related stress, depression or anxiety


workers suffering from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder


workers suffering from COVID-19 which they believe may have been from exposure to coronavirus at work


mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2020)


workers killed at work


working people sustained an injury at work according to the Labour Force Survey


injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR

...let us help!

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